Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Blog #4: Being Involved

Being involved in anything is worth while if you ask me… Well if you weren’t asking my I wouldn’t be answering this question ha ha ha I am very involved all over the spectrum of our Omaha. I play piano for my worship team, (adult and youth). I also am a teacher and assistant in my churches daycare and nursery facility. Being involved has shown me that I am something small that needs to be apart of something bigger than myself in order to thrive. I love joining that I am apart of a greater cause. Much like the summer scholars program. Everything I am involved with should and usually does have a purpose.

Outside of my church I am very active in mentoring and also in bible summer camps. I help counsel and mentor children in middles schools and even in grades as high as 11th grade. Mentoring gives me an idea of what it was like to be me asking questions, getting answers, and also applying what I have learned.

I have realized that being involved usually has two outcomes that affect it: money, and the “What am I going to get out of this?” attitude. Once you throw money into an equation of help, people will come from miles even “light-years” away in order to help. Money gives people a basis of how little can they do in order to get the reword that bribed them to even join what ever it is they have joined.

I have realized that people with attitudes that help themselves really don’t get very far doing anything. When the only thing on your mind is “How is his going to benefit me?” your work effort tends to degenerate. The one that that really makes me mad is when people join organizations or volunteer, only to get a signature, community service hours, and or something that will look good on a resume.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Blog #3: What is Influence?

What makes a person great, or influential? Is it poise, credentials, or the way that they live? For me to be influenced personally the person must have all of these qualities and many more. My father, Martin Williams, is the perfect example of a person that makes me feel like impossible is nothing.

My father was born in the back woods of Mississippi, the youngest boy of a family of 14. Through trial and error he put himself out in situations that would get him out of the environment he was in, in order to get himself and his family to a place of peace, and of little or no discrimination. He showed perseverance with the excuses of why he couldn’t be who he wanted to e. being a black male in the Deep South of Mississippi had all the difficulties of racism and criticism.

Along perseverance my father is a man that will only start what he plans on finishing, and also to the best of his ability. And would rather give people the insight of themselves that they can be greater and better than they are currently. Even if that means putting himself in a position where he pushes people past their own limits, and often out of their comfort zones. My father speaks to people about purpose and also about, finding themselves in a way for self-empowerment. Through this he has lead people out of depression, and even some states of deep physiological disturbances.

So being a person of influence shouldn’t be a hassle it should be reflected by the person of which you have made an impact. Be it good or bad it’s always your choice of who will make a difference in your life.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Blog #2: 1st Week in College:

College in itself is difficult. Being in two classes at a time (Speech, College 101) it’s hard to prioritize what is most important to me. Communication is an everyday part of life that all human beings live with, and use. My instructor, Dr. Toller, explains to us through different genres, and scenarios how different methods of speech/communication can transform a particular conversation. From using more words that compliment to words that tear down speech and communication are sent and received. She has taught us how to read peoples non-verbal communication through their facial expressions, gestures, and voice inflections.

This class forces me to live in a place where I cannot rely solely on myself to get my assignments don. My four group members are as much apart of our group, and if not even more important than I am. Without each other we cannot do anything and succeed. We use each other for knowledge pooling, and also as resources. In our class Dr. Toller allows us to take our quizzes by ourselves, and then allows us to take the exact same quiz, but get this: WITH OUR PARTNERS!!!! BEST CLASS EVER!!! It allows me to do what I was born doing...... TALKING!!!!!!

The best thing about this class is that it gives me the ability to voice my opinion, and also puts me in a group of people that have to come together to fulfill a common goal. And also we all depend on each other for our grades. Also my group I very diverse in both authenticity, and in intellectuality.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Blog #1: Residence Life

Ok, now living by myself and cleaning for myself is ok. But you throw three other guys that are dirty, and stinky when wet into a dormitory together oyu can ask for them to sleep. Most likley you will run into problems that possibly cannot be controlled. living on campus opened my eyes to allot in those 5 days at Scott Residence. One of the things i learned is: YOU MUST WAKE YOURSELF UP AT ALL TIMES!!!!!!! You are the one and only one responsible for when you go to sleep, and when you wake up. Not being up for breakfast and or your classes is on you not onyour peers.

Also while being on campus we all realized that we were in charge of our own scheduales. No one told when to be and or where to be. it was our responsibility to make sure that we had a schedual that could be the best for us to follow. Having to choose if i wanted to do homework or go watch a movie was a tough decision to make. Also choosing to study or stay up until "oh dark 30".

College is a whole different experience. Knowing when to tlk not to talk, and also knowing when to ask questions is a neccesity. The most inportant thing that i learned while having the experience was the importance of TIME MANAGMENT. From sleeping, eating, socializing, to the time i spent doing homework there wasn't a time where I wasn't either busy or having a good time with my new and inproved friends: GOON SQUAD!!!!!!!!!!