What makes a person great, or influential? Is it poise, credentials, or the way that they live? For me to be influenced personally the person must have all of these qualities and many more. My father, Martin Williams, is the perfect example of a person that makes me feel like impossible is nothing.
My father was born in the back woods of Mississippi, the youngest boy of a family of 14. Through trial and error he put himself out in situations that would get him out of the environment he was in, in order to get himself and his family to a place of peace, and of little or no discrimination. He showed perseverance with the excuses of why he couldn’t be who he wanted to e. being a black male in the Deep South of Mississippi had all the difficulties of racism and criticism.
Along perseverance my father is a man that will only start what he plans on finishing, and also to the best of his ability. And would rather give people the insight of themselves that they can be greater and better than they are currently. Even if that means putting himself in a position where he pushes people past their own limits, and often out of their comfort zones. My father speaks to people about purpose and also about, finding themselves in a way for self-empowerment. Through this he has lead people out of depression, and even some states of deep physiological disturbances.
So being a person of influence shouldn’t be a hassle it should be reflected by the person of which you have made an impact. Be it good or bad it’s always your choice of who will make a difference in your life.
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